Ask Us about NZTE Funding

We are a registered service provider with NZTE. They grant up to $5000 plus GST per annum to clients who meet their eligibility criteria.

1:1 Coaching

This service is suitable for SME business owners anywhere in New Zealand.  Phil is based in Tauranga and Douwe covers the Waikato, Auckland and New Plymouth for in-person coaching, but online we cover the whole of New Zealand!  We work with a huge variety of business types from trades, engineering, manufacturing and hospitality to professional services.

This service is most suitable for businesses with turnovers between $300k – $1500k with staff. The programme duration is at least three months and includes weekly coaching sessions, access to resources and support via text/email/phone.

If this sounds like you and you are ready to make some changes to your business and transform it then get in touch to find out more!

Mindset is Everything!

Be Bold is a break through mindset philosophy and method developed by Love Your Business. It is the foundation of all the coaching work we do with business owners and their teams. When applied it is GUARANTEED to create sustainable results in business and in life.

Most people complicate life (and business!), but in essence it's simple. Keep applying the Be Bold principles and tools, and you will see results, MASSIVE RESULTS!

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